Business Fingerprinting & Identification Services

Would you like to offer services to the federal government, submit a quote or perhaps have already concluded a contract with them? If so, you must fulfill the security screening requirements of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). To join the security program for government contracts, fingerprints are required for all employees assigned to the contract. Commissionnaires du Québec offers fingerprinting services at our offices or at your business for a group of employees.

Digital fingerprints are an excellent means of identification. In fact, they avoid identitify confusion, ensure the truth of information submitted regarding criminal history and offer in-depth verification about an individual's dependability. The federal government offers security clearance to businesses registered with the contract security program as well as to their employees for services rendered on their sites and inside their buildings. Commissionnaires du Québec is accredited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for taking fingerprints. We have since developed an excellent reputation by offering professional, courteous and rapid services, on a walk-in basis, at our offices. Allowing everyone to save time and unnecessary travel.

Fees for our services:

  • For the government sector: $52.19 / fingerprinting + taxes.
  • For the private sector: $73.93 / fingerprinting + taxes.
  • Travelling fees : $450 + taxes.
Service d'empreintes digitales pour particulier - numérique et encre

Business Fingerprinting & Identification Services

Services d'empreintes digitales, et d'identification pour entreprise

Would you like to offer services to the federal government, submit a quote or perhaps have already concluded a contract with them? If so, you must fulfill the security screening requirements of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). To join the security program for government contracts, fingerprints are required for all employees assigned to the contract. Commissionnaires du Québec offers fingerprinting services at our offices or at your business for a group of employees.

Digital fingerprints are an excellent means of identification. In fact, they avoid identitify confusion, ensure the truth of information submitted regarding criminal history and offer in-depth verification about an individual's dependability. The federal government offers security clearance to businesses registered with the contract security program as well as to their employees for services rendered on their sites and inside their buildings. Commissionnaires du Québec is accredited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for taking fingerprints. We have since developed an excellent reputation by offering professional, courteous and rapid services, on a walk-in basis, at our offices. Allowing everyone to save time and unnecessary travel.

Fees for our services:

  • For the government sector: $52.19 / fingerprinting + taxes.
  • For the private sector: $73.93 / fingerprinting + taxes.
  • Travelling fees : $450 + taxes.